Sunday, July 14, 2013

San Miguel de Allende, MX - Week 6

We've had quite a bit of rain tossed over the mountains from Hurricane Erick on the Pacific side. The rain makes the flora more vibrant, the air much cooler, and the joints creak as if rusty. So far, July has felt more like the Pacific Northwest (US).

Cafe La Ventana (The Window)

Because of so much rain, we haven't ventured out as often or as far as in the past. Monday, July 8, we did go out to get more coffee, to the FedEx shop to check on shipping charges, through the Escuela de Bellas Artes and in and out of several shops. Shipping from MX to US is very expensive. We had found some beautiful ceramic vases; they were too large and heavy to pack in our suitcases. The shipping to the US was more than the cost of the vases so we'll leave them on the shelf in the shop for another buyer to enjoy. We still have no souvenirs.

Escuela de Bellas Artes

Mural in Escuela de Bellas Artes

The skies over the mountains were very dark and Jamey urged Ken homeward. We walked as briskly as the cobblestone streets and narrow sidewalks would allow as big fat raindrops began to fall. Just as we walked in the door, the bottom fell out; later, the sun came back out for a brief bit but the clouds soon covered us again to unload the rain through the night.

Los Portales de San Miguel

Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday were beautiful days. Thursday, Ken met Jamey after her manicure and we walked to Mercado de San Juan de Dios for lunch and we ate huaraches, "a popular Mexican dish consisting of an oblong, fried masa base, with a variety of toppings including green or red salsa, onions, potato, cilantro and any manner of protein such as ground beef or tongue, and then finished with queso fresco cheese". (Wikipedia) The word also describes a sandal worn by the Mexicans; the masa base is formed like the sole of the shoe, thus the interpretation. We had our masa grilled, instead of fried, and topped with picadillo.

Huaraches at Mercado de San Juan de Dios

Meandering towards home, we found new shops we had not been in before and stopped to peruse them. It always amazes us what you find behind these beautiful doorways in the walls along the streets. They hold such wonders and treasures. But then dark clouds rolling across the mountains made us quicken our steps and direct our sights towards home.

Templo de San Juan de Dios

Friday was a simple day of replenishing the larder, doing laundry and staying in.

Saturday was a gorgeous day and we made the best of it by heading out to breakfast and more wandering with the purpose of accomplishing specific errands. Across from the restaurant, there were arts and crafts set up by local Mexican artists. These native artists' works often get lost in the fray of the large artist community that has established itself in San Miguel. There were beautiful colorful handmade woolen rugs, dyed naturally; wooden utensils; jewelry made from leather, glass beads, and stones; pictures and books made from handmade paper; handwoven baskets; and so much more. We were lucky to find some items here.

Breakfast at Maison de San Jose

We checked on shuttle pick-up times to transport us back to Queretaro on the morning of our departure, purchased tickets for Sunday night to a blues concert at the Teatro Angela Peralta, and ran several other errands. We had eaten a late breakfast so were not hungry for lunch but were ready for something to drink as we headed home. We stopped at a nearby stand and shared a blender of fresh juices - naranja, pina, y fresa (orange, pineapple and strawberry). That quenched our thirst and gave us the pick-me-up to continue home.

Teatro Angela Peralta

Templo de la Inmaculada Concepción

Trimming shrubbery at Hotel La Aldea

Girls in a window


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